A devastating rainstorm wreaked havoc in the Miango District of Bassa Local Government Area, Plateau State, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Reports indicate that no fewer than 200 houses, along with vital community infrastructure such as a healthcare center, classrooms, business premises, and poultry farms, bore the brunt of the tempest, which tore off rooftops and uprooted trees.
Thankfully, no fatalities were reported as a result of the early Monday downpour. However, three individuals sustained injuries and are currently receiving medical attention, while countless others have been displaced from their homes, forced to seek refuge with neighbors in the area.
Expressing concern over the plight of the affected residents, the Miango Youth Development Association, a prominent socio-cultural group in the district, issued a statement through its spokesperson, Nuhu Nga. Nga appealed urgently for intervention from both the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Plateau State Government, particularly for those who have suffered significant losses in the disaster.
In response to the crisis, Fidelis Adara, the Transition Implementation Committee Chairman of the Local Government Area, assured the public that the local authorities are taking proactive measures to address the situation. Adara stated that efforts are underway to secure assistance from the State Emergency Management Agency and NEMA to provide relief and support to the affected individuals and families.
As the community grapples with the aftermath of the rainstorm, residents remain hopeful that swift action from government agencies and humanitarian organizations will alleviate their suffering and aid in the rebuilding process.