A tragic incident unfolded in Jos, the capital city of Plateau State, on April 1st, resulting in the loss of a life. The altercation occurred at the Gada Biu motor park, where Mr. Abidemi Adegbola was involved in a dispute with another individual identified as Mr. Ekene Okoye.
The disagreement was reportedly said to have begun when Mr. Okoye confronted Mr. Adegbola about his smoking habits, prompting a heated exchange between the two men. Allegedly, Mr. Adegbola questioned Mr. Okoye’s authority to intervene in his personal affairs, escalating the confrontation.
In a distressing turn of events, Mr. Okoye allegedly resorted to violence and stabbed Mr. Adegbola with a knife during the altercation. Despite efforts to save his life at a nearby hospital, Mr. Adegbola succumbed to his injuries.
Subsequently, Mr. Okoye confessed to the crime and was promptly apprehended by authorities. While attempts to obtain a statement from the police regarding the incident have been unsuccessful, it has been reported that Mr. Okoye has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder in connection with the tragic incident.