In an unwavering show of solidarity, the Plateau Peace Media Network has vehemently denounced the appalling and tragic assault that unfolded within Heipang village, situated in the Barkin Ladi local government area of Plateau state. The ruthless act of violence, which resulted in the loss of 21 innocent lives and inflicted critical injuries on 13 others, stands as a stark violation of the very essence of peace, unity, and harmony that the state cherishes.
The State Coordinator of the Plateau Peace Media Network, Matthew Tegha, delivered a powerful Press statement with a profound sense of empathy, extending the network’s heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families, offering unwavering support to the community grappling with the aftermath of this heart-rending ordeal.
This senseless act of violence remains starkly incongruent with the core values upheld by society, demanding the strongest repudiation.
Emerging as a unifying voice in the face of adversity, the Plateau Peace Media Network issues a poignant appeal to all residents of Plateau state, urging calm and unwavering resolve in these trying times. The network underscores the significance of avoiding actions that could potentially escalate the already tense situation. Instead, it rallies the community to rally together, pooling collective strength towards providing solace to the afflicted families and aiding the recovery of the wounded survivors.
Casting a spotlight on the urgent imperative for robust action, the network fervently calls upon the relevant authorities to respond swiftly and decisively. Safeguarding the lives and security of citizens stands as paramount, necessitating the implementation of a comprehensive and steadfast security framework. The Plateau Peace Media Network urges law enforcement agencies to amplify their efforts in unmasking the perpetrators behind this abhorrent act, ensuring that justice prevails and that future acts of violence are thwarted.
As a steadfast advocate for enduring peace, dialogue, and harmony among the state’s populace, the Plateau Peace Media Network issues a clarion call for unity. In the face of adversity, the strength derived from collective cohesion remains unparalleled. The network also resounds its commitment to carving a legacy of tranquility and unity that will resonate through the annals of Plateau state’s history.
Echoing the sentiment of a united front against violence, the Plateau Peace Media Network pledges to honor the memory of the fallen victims. In unison, they stand resolute in advocating for an environment that guarantees the safety and well-being of all residents, fostering a haven of security for generations to come.