1. My fellow citizens of Plateau State, it is with great sense of joy and fulfillment that I address you today as we commemorate our fifth year in office and marking yet another democracy day.
2. Let me first give glory to God for the privilege he has given me and my Deputy, Prof. Sonni Gwanle Tyoden, and indeed all other elected and appointed office holders to serve the people of Plateau at this time of our history.
3. In the same vein, I express my deep appreciation to the people of Plateau State for reposing their confidence in us and our party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) at both the 2015 and 2019 general elections. We remain grateful to you.
4. The journey has no doubt been challenging and tasking, but with your support, prayers and advice, we have done a lot in fulfilling our campaign promises and implementing the Rescue Agenda of our administration.
5. You will recall that in 2015, we began the implementation of our Rescue Mission under a 5-Pillar Policy Thrust, namely: Peace, Security and Good Governance; Human Capital Development and Social Welfare; Agriculture and Rural Development; Entrepreneurship and Industrialization; and Physical Infrastructure and Environment.
6. These areas that propelled the vision of our Rescue Mission were designed to restore confidence in a State that had been polarized and fractured by ethno-religious crises, political apathy, as well as despondency among workers and pensioners.
7. This is why we remained committed to completing inherited projects, many of which were abandoned and scattered across the State as well as initiating new ones for the benefit of our people.
8. The details are well captured and documented in our compendium on Landmark achievements for 2015-2019 which is accessible from the Directorate of Research, Strategic Planning & Documentation as well as the Ministry of Information and Communication.
9. When I addressed you on June 12, 2019 – two weeks after being sworn in for a second term, I stressed that our resolve for the next four years will be to consolidate on the gains we made in the first term as well as expanding on critical areas of development for the benefit of our people.
10. I then unveiled the Vision of our Administration for the second term tagged: “PLATEAU STATE IN THE NEXT LEVEL: RESCUE AGENDA PHASE 2” which was anchored on a three-point (3) policy thrust framework namely:
11. The three policy thrust emanated from the review of the 5-pillar focus of the first term in order to enable us concentrate our limited resources in achieving much with less in service delivery. We equally ensured that all the critical sectors of the Plateau economy were articulated for the future of our dear State.
12. Based on the three-pillar policy thrust, we have achieved the following in the last 12 months.
13. Under this pillar, we have continued to work assiduously towards consolidating on the security and peace of our dear State, as well as entrenching good governance that is key to sustaining public confidence, transparency, accountability and productivity.
14. Through the Peace Building Agency which we created on assuming office, we engaged various stakeholders particularly in previously volatile areas where we fostered understanding, reconciliation, forgiveness and synergy in dispute resolution.
15. At the moment, they are assiduously working with communities vulnerable to conflict and attacks such as Kulben in Mangu, Kwatas in Bokkos, Miango in Bassa among others for successful post conflict life.
16. Apart from reinvigorating the Operation Rainbow and strengthening intelligence gathering using the community driven approach and early warning systems, we adopted a new strategy of holding accountable community and traditional rulers who fail to expose criminals or shield them within their domains.
17. Earlier today, we commissioned the pilot phase of the Operation Rainbow Surveillance Centre at Dutse Uku (Jos Jarawa) equipped with surveillance equipment and a watchtower for early detection and response to any threat to peace and security. We shall replicate same in strategic flashpoints across the State.
18. In addition, we embarked on the implementation of Community Policing in line with our desire for a bottom – up approach in security management and the adoption of community policing which is a concept that Governors of the Northern States embraced.
19. To ensure that we realise this dream, we set up a Technical Committee to work out the modalities of implementing Community Policing headed by the Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice.
20. While they were carrying out their assignment, the Federal Government through the Office of the Inspector General of Police constituted the Community Policing Advisory Committee Co-chaired by His Majesty, the Gbong Gwom Jos Da Jacob Gyang Buba and the Commissioner of Police which I inaugurated last month.
21. We also harmonized the operations of all community watch groups, vigilante associations, hunters and similar bodies by bringing them under one roof for easy coordination, training and possible utilization in our community policing initiative.
22. All these efforts are in addition to our support and collaboration with the statutory security agencies such as the Police, Operation Safe Haven, State Security Service, Civil Defence and other para-military organisations which we have continued to support with logistics and equipment to enable them respond to security challenges in the State.
23. In terms of Good Governance, the Rescue Administration has continued to embrace sound financial policies to harness and deploy the lean financial resources available for the good of all its citizens. In doing so, we have remained committed to ensuring prudence, transparency and accountability in funds management.
24. The State’s Accounting System has been reinvigorated with the implementation of the State Fiscal, Transparency Accountability and Sustainability Program (SFTAS).
This has enhanced our revenue generation, accountability, Transparency and control of resources by blocking all leakages.
25. The Procurement Agency earlier established by this administration to promote due process in the award of Government Contracts has continued to reduce wastages and promote service delivery in governance.
26. Government constituted the Liquidity Management Committee to cope with the paucity of funds regime. The committee has continued to prioritize government spending within the purview of its articulated policies particularly those that are revenue generating.
27. Similarly, we established the Project Monitoring and Result Delivery Unit with a clear mandate to ensure diligent tracking of Projects and Programmes implementation by all the MDAs to realise the objectives of the five year strategic development plan of the administration.
28. Government has continued to look inwards to jerk up its Internally Generated Revenue from about six hundred million naira in 2015 to about nine hundred million in 2019. However, with the emergence of COVID-19 Pandemic, this has drastically gone down.
29. Notwithstanding the impact of the Corona Virus pandemic, we are determined to generate more revenue as we have engaged a reputable firm of tax consultants, to conduct an in-depth Assessment of the Current Internally Generated Revenue environment in the State and transit from the current template, to a Harmonized IGR collection system that can significantly boost the State’s collection to a Monthly IGR of about Three Billion Naira.
30. In carrying out its functions, the Efficiency Unit located in the Office of the Governor has saved the Government about 2.5 billion naira arising from requests for release of funds from various Ministries, Departments and Agencies within the past one year.
31. Little wonder, the 2nd Corruption Survey Report released by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2019 ranked Plateau State as the second least corrupt State in Nigeria. The Government intends to do more until it becomes the least corrupt State in Nigeria.
32. The State Government has completed the raising of funds from the Capital Market in the sum of N15.6 Billion for the Lalong Legacy Projects which are on-going across the three Senatorial Zones of the State.
33. In furtherance of our pledge, Government has kept faith with regular and timely payment of Salaries to workers which has boosted the morale of civil Servants for optimal productivity. But for the Corona Virus, pandemic, we would have commenced the implementation of the New Minimum Wage. We shall implement it as soon as the economy of the State improves.
34. In the same vein, we have continued the regular payment of pension and placement of new retirees on the pension roll. We have also commenced monthly part Payment of funds into the Gratuity Account with the State Pension Board to reduce the burden of our retirees.
35. However, in order to find a lasting solution to the issue of pension, a draft bill will soon be sent to the House of Assembly for the establishment of the Plateau State Contribution Pension Scheme.
36. In line with the yearnings of the people for the restoration of Chiefdoms and Districts that were erroneously and illegally scrapped by the previous administration, and in a bid to restore people’s confidence through justice, equity and peaceful coexistence, the Rescue Administration restored the traditional stools and created new ones. These include 2 First Class; 6 Second class; and 10 Third Class Stools.
37. In terms of the Autonomy for the Legislature and Judiciary, the Executive arm of Government is awaiting the outcome of the engagement between the Nigerian Governors Forum and the Conference of Speakers for the next step in the implementation.
38. My fellow compatriots, one of the important promises we made to you was to ensure that we provide high quality physical infrastructure that will drive economic activities and also stimulate the prosperity of our State.
39. That is why we initiated some strategic projects in critical sectors of the economy and also sustained our commitment to continue and complete inherited projects which were abandoned at various stages despite the huge monies sunk into them.
40. Under road construction and rehabilitation, Government has injected huge sums of money totaling over 40 billion naira in the last five years. These include payment for the completion of inherited projects, rehabilitation of township roads, and on-going road construction across the three senatorial zones of the State.
41. Faced with challenges of insecurity in the State and the need to create an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, we awarded the project for the installation of streetlights within Jos and Bukuru metropolis under the “Operation Light up Plateau” at the cost of about 3.2 billion naira to cover a distance of 90km.
42. On water provision, we are currently working on the Resuscitation and Rehabilitation of Shendam Water Treatment Plant which has been under 20% installed capacity for many years. Work has reached 75% at the moment and it will soon be completed and put to use.
43. Similarly, the Rehabilitation of Yelwa Water Works is at 80% completion while the Construction of a new Water Treatment Plant and Distribution Network system in Riyom, Tahoss and Rahoss is ongoing at 60% completion.
44. Under the Plateau Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (PRUWASSA), we have provided over 128 Hand Pump Boreholes as well as rehabilitated 34 others and 14 Solar Panel Boreholes across various communities in the State.
45. Work is also on-going on the construction of mini treatment plants and supply of 5.5KVA generator and minimal reticulation with water kiosks in Kalong, Shimankar, Demshin, Bakin Kogi, Fang, Sopp, Tom Gangare, Tse as well as transmission of water pipeline from Yelwa to Ajikamai.
46. To further deepen reform of the water sector, Government has unbundled the existing water management structure for better efficiency, service delivery and access.
47. Consequently, we signed into law and gazetted the Plateau State Water Sector Law which gave rise to four agencies. These include Jos Water Services Corporation; Plateau State Municipal Water Supply Agency; Plateau State Water Regulatory Commission; and the Plateau Rural Water Supply Agency.
48. We have also passed and gazetted the Plateau State Energy Corporation Law to establish an agency to harvest investment into the energy sector of the State especially in the rural areas.
49. Education remains a top priority for our Rescue Administration and we have continued to invest resources in improving infrastructure, training of teachers and generally improving the standard for learning in our schools.
50. Our investment at the primary school level has been driven by the target of providing infrastructure that motivates both pupils and teachers. We have so far constructed 639 Primary and Junior Secondary school classrooms across the 17 Local Governments at the cost of N3.6 billion naira.
51. Similarly, we have completed the renovation of 724 classrooms at the cost of N2.2 billion naira as well as fenced 6 schools. We have also renovated Eleven Examination Halls while 84 toilets have been constructed and rehabilitated to improve sanitation and hygiene in our schools.
52. Government through the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) procured and distributed 55,985 Tables and Chairs for Primary and Junior Secondary schools at a total cost of over N1.2 billion naira.
53. In order to inject more qualified hands into our secondary schools, we conducted interviews for the recruitment of One Thousand additional secondary school teachers whose engagement has been delayed by the negotiation for the new minimum wage and now corona virus. We shall complete the process very soon.
54. We also awarded contract for the purchase of equipment and tools for the installation of a basic scientific Glass-blowing Centre in Government Technical College, Bukuru as we resuscitate the school and make it relevant to modern technology.
55. At the College of Education Gindiri, we were able to achieve 100% accreditation of courses for the first time in 15 years and organised a Combined Convocation for six sets of students. Diploma programmes which were earlier scrapped at the College of Arts, Science, and Technology Kurgwi, were restored.
56. Since our administration restored academic activities at the Plateau State University Bokkos, many courses were successfully accredited and new courses established. New faculties and departments were equally created.
57. Accordingly, three new faculties have been established and work is steadily going on at the various sites. These include Faculty of Medical Sciences, Law and Environmental Sciences.
58. Government has equally approved a teaching hospital for the University at Shendam where work is going on at the moment.
59. In order to strengthen the health and educational sub-sectors, Government is constructing world class primary and secondary schools as well as hospitals across the three senatorial zones. These comprise of 8 primary schools, 6 secondary schools, and 6 hospitals at an initial sum of 59 billion naira.
60. However, in view of the paucity of funds on account of COVID-19, Government has been forced to re-scope the project. Accordingly, the Ministry of Budget and Planning is working on this.
61. In view of the significance of transportation in the movement of goods and people within and outside the State, Government took several steps to enhance the transport sector.
62. The Government through the Ministry has gone far in discussions with the private sector for the supply of 100 Buses on special purpose vehicle for the Plateau Express Services Limited so as to reinvigorate and make it more efficient and profitable.
63. Government also facilitated the accessing of a 50% percent grant by the Plateau State Council of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) for the procurement of 80 Units of Ford Galaxy Buses which were commissioned on the 28 February 2020 as part of support to the private sector.
64. The Government also purchased the Bus Terminal at Tafawa Belewa Street Jos from Nasarawa State Government which will be upgraded and put to use for better revenue generation and efficient transport services. This is in addition to the establishment of Plateau State Road Traffic Administration and Vehicle Inspection Authority which is in progress.
65. The health sector continued to receive significant attention in the year under review in order to achieve a healthy and productive State.
We continued work on the Trauma Hospital in Riyom, and the General Hospitals in Kwal in Kanke Local Government and Mabudi in Lantang to ensure that these inherited projects are finally completed. In the coming days, we shall be commissioning the Riyom General Hospital after about 13 years since it was abandoned.
66. We established the Plateau State Contributory Healthcare Management Agency which took off in September of 2019 after the appointment of a Director-General for the Agency. In the same vein, we signed into law the bill establishing Plateau State Specialist Hospital and are working on upgrading structures, Equipment and Manpower to meet up to its highest Status as a Specialist hospital.
67. Through collaboration with the private sector and faith based organisations, we acquired automated Elisa Blood Screening Machine for the National Blood Transfusion Service as well as an ICU Centre.
68. We also purchased Ultra Sound Machines for the Cottage Hospitals in Bassa, and Bokkos as well as X-Ray materials for the General Hospitals at Mangu, Pankshin and Shendam.
69. A well-equipped 20-bed capacity Isolation Ward was also inaugurated at the Plateau State Specialist Hospital to cater for patients with highly infectious diseases such as Ebola, Lassa Fever and COVID-19. This is in addition to the restructuring and equipping of an Isolation Ward to cater for patients infected with COVID-19 virus.
70. Primary Healthcare remains very crucial to our healthcare delivery programme. Under our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we have constructed and equipped 17 Primary Health Centres across the State and also supplied medical equipment, drugs and consumables.
71. In managing COVID-19 pandemic, we set up quarantine centres in Heipang, Shendam, Mangu and Pankshin to be able to identify those suspected, and attend to them. We purchased 6 Ventilators and distributed to the three tertiary hospitals in the State which include JUTH, Plateau State Specialist Hospital and Bingham University Teaching Hospital.
72. With information and communication technology driving engagements in today’s world, the Rescue Administration has recognized the need to embrace the use of e-Governance in improving efficiency, transparency and reducing cost and waste,
73. This is why we have come up with technology based solutions through various programmes initiated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Plateau State Information Communication Technology Development Agency (PICTDA) where various MDAs are deploying ICT solutions for their services.
74. Plateau State Government through the Plateau State ICT Development Agency has initiated the Code Plateau programme as a platform for re-skilling youths who are interested in kick-starting their careers in IT and preparing them for the Job Market.
75. Over five hundred trainees were trained in digital skills and software development where some were later placed on paid internships across the State and beyond to further expose them to the technology industry as a way of increasing the number of innovators in Plateau State.
76. This explains why we deployed Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) in 7 border points of the State to monitor real-time activities during the closure of our boundary routes for COVID-19. We intend to consolidate on this by enhancing surveillance and security monitoring as we begin the implementation of Community Policing.
77. Being an agrarian State, we have continued to devote significant attention to agriculture which is one of our three areas of comparative advantage.
As a result, we took various steps to ensure that farmers are encouraged not only to produce, but be empowered to engage in mechanised and large scale farming.
78. For the 2020 farming season, Government has procured and subsidized several farm inputs to the tune of Four hundred Million Naira.
79. To consolidate our position as the number one producer of potatoes in Nigeria, we continued our partnership with the African Development Bank to increase farmers’ capacity and yield, provide quality seed, teach modern production methods, and provide infrastructural and value chain support.
80. In furtherance to that, the Potato Tissue Culture Laboratory in Mangu has been completed to facilitate the production of high quality potato variety. Under this project, we carried out an adaptability test in 8 Local Governments that before now were thought to be unsuitable for potato production. The outcome proved that today, we can produce potato in all the 17 LGAs of the State.
81. We procured 1,500 irrigation Water Pumps which were distributed to farmers in the 17 Local Government Areas of the State to facilitate irrigation farming of potato and vegetables during the dry season.
82. We also facilitated wheat and barley research in Plateau State which shows that we can cultivate 18 varieties. In line with this, we profiled and empowered 150 farmers to commence wheat and barley production in Plateau State.
83. My dear citizens, you will recall that BARC farms including the Pioneer Milling Company in Zallaki was not only a major source of employment in the State, but a huge economic investment for the promotion of mechanised agriculture which went into oblivion and was subsequently sold out in the 90s.
84. This Government took the bold step in the face of dwindling financial resources to re-acquire the shares worth 1.5 billion naira. I am glad to inform Plateau citizens that it is now our commonwealth.
85. In consonance with this development, we are beginning the symbolic allocation of portions of the farm on a rent basis for a period of 6 months to interested civil servants, pensioners, farmers association, the host community, political office holders and PIPC within the 1,000 hectres that has been set aside for that purpose.
86. Similarly, we have put in place the relevant machinery for the repositioning of the ASTC with the injection of 900 million naira. It is hoped that with this huge investment, the ASTC should contribute significantly to not only the food basket of Plateau State, but Nigeria as a whole.
87. Due to the potential of our grazing reserve in the Southern Zone and our commitment to stop the herder-farmer conflict, Plateau State has been successfully enlisted in the Livestock Productivity, Resilience and Support Project (L-PRES) – a World Bank funded project.
88. In line with the National Livestock Transformation Programme (NLTP) of the Federal Government, we have keyed into the State Livestock Transformation Programme (SLTP) and have also signed an MOU with International Dairy Production Firms (Integrated Dairy Limited and Advancing Local Dairy Development in Nigeria) for implementation of the pilot phase of the programme in Wase and Kanam Grazing Reserves.
89. Through the Plateau Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (PLASMEDA) we have continued to address youth unemployment, poverty reduction, entrepreneurship development, skills acquisition and promoting financial literacy.
90. In the year under review, we trained over 30,000 youths in various skills and provided technical support to enable them start various Small and Medium Enterprises that today are changing the narrative
91. We also partnered with the German International Corporation (GIZ) who deployed a technical partner from Germany to work with PLASMEDA and the partnership has led to the training of over 300 SMEs on the Plateau on the implementation of SME start-ups. A similar partnership with ITF has also provided skills to 200 beneficiaries.
92. I have directed PLASMEDA to embark on an online capacity building for SMEs to deepen access of our people to the CBN Targeted Credit Facility of N50 billion naira launched as stimulus fund. We are also working on the Covid-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (CARES) Program to strengthen the MSME sub sector as a post COVID-19 intervention by the World Bank.
93. The program Implementation has been domesticated in PLASMEDA and the Director General of the agency is to serve as the State focal person for the implementation. I have approved that 8,500 people be trained on the initiative and the targeted Credit Facility to enhance access by our citizens to the fund.
94. Initiatives such as these have enabled us continue our dominance in the MSMEs National Award, where another Plateau son, Luka Pam Bot won the award for Technology Innovation in last year’s edition in Abuja.
95. We also continued our support for young innovators and entrepreneurs such as Jerry Mallo through his Company, Bennie Agro Machinery & Automobile, where we organised a show in Abuja to promote his Sports Car named BENNIE PURRIE and other products. We also supported him to produce a ventilator and sanitizing machine for COVID-19 which are being utilised.
96. To encourage investment into the State and eliminate setbacks to business, we keyed into the Federal Government’s Ease of Doing Business Initiative and have established the One Stop Shop to facilitate the establishment of businesses which will soon be commissioned during the coming Plateau Economic and Investment Summit.
97. The Corona Virus Pandemic has disrupted economic activities and affected a substantial amount of resources available to us as a State. However, we are also looking inwards to identify opportunities that will assist the economic recovery of Plateau State from the negative impact of the pandemic.
98. Accordingly, apart from reviewing the 2020 budget, we are preparing Ministries, Departments and Agencies to identify and play their roles in keying into policy direction and initiatives of the Federal Government, World Bank and other Development partners that will assist the State Economy rebound in a short time.
99. In sports and youth development, we have continued to make significant progress. As you are aware, Plateau United won the Nigerian Premier League for the first time shortly when we came into office and today, it is at the top of the league and on the way to becoming champions again – a record that has never been achieved.
100. We have continued to fund and motivate the players and technical crew with the necessary tools to succeed. Only recently, we procured another bus to enhance their comfort of movement.
101. Because of the challenges of funds occasioned by the Corona virus pandemic, we are putting the Rwang Pam Township Stadium in place to enable Plateau United play their continental engagements at home while we continue to work on the Zaria road Stadium.
102. We have continued to develop other sports such as golf where we have hosted the Governor’s Cup for the last five years. Last year alone, the Governor’s Golf Tournament recorded over 400 entries of golfers both professionals and amateurs, from within and outside the country. This has further boosted the tourism potentials of the State and enhanced its economy.
103. Our administration continues to carry the youth along in governance which explains why we brought back the Plateau Youth Council and are working with them for a smooth transition after Covid-19.
104. Plateau State is currently the defending champion in handball while our athletes continue to dominate long distance races in the country.
105. Dear citizens, we are determined to ensure that we leave behind a legacy of hope, prosperity and peace for this generation and generations to come. That is why we continue to solicit the cooperation of all citizens irrespective of any differences.
106. At a time when we are contending with the Corona Virus pandemic, there is need for us to work together in forging ahead in order to overcome all the setbacks caused by the disease particularly on the economy.
107. Let me reiterate my call to all citizens to abide by the guidelines for preventing the disease and take personal responsibility for their health, as experts have indicated that we may have to live with the virus for a while. This is even more crucial as we have relaxed the lockdown and returned to normalcy.
108. As we commemorate the 2020 Democracy Day which marks 21 years of the return to democratic governance, I wish to appeal to all citizens of Plateau State to put the interest of the peace and stability of our land above personal, religious and political sentiments. We have to build a society that promotes freedom, justice, tolerance and reconciliation.
109. We all have to bear in mind that we have a role to play in not only sustaining the democratic culture, but also standing up for good governance and politics that seeks to serve rather than be served. Those of us in one position of authority or the other must serve with the fear of God and accountability to the people we serve.
110. We have to work together in overcoming poverty, insecurity, religious fanatism, ethnic bigotry, lawlessness, political rascality and corruption which are major threats to our democracy and national cohesion.
111. Only when democracy translates into better living standards for the people and promotes human dignity that we shall claim to have achieved progress. Until then, we have to continue to play our part in ensuring that nothing overshadows our quest for a better society.
112. Finally, in the spirit of the 2020 Democracy Day and in thanksgiving to God for guiding us through the last five years, and in exercise of the powers conferred on me as Governor in Section 212 of the Constitution of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria 1999 (As Amended), after due consultation with The State Advisory Council On Prerogative Of Mercy, I have granted absolute pardon to seven (7) Prisoners.
113. All these pardons are granted for reasons of good conduct, with effect from the different dates of sentences. The concerned persons are:
114. Long Live Plateau State! Long Live The Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Thank you and God bless us all.
Rt. Hon. (Dr) Simon Bako Lalong, KSGG,
Executive Governor.
Friday, 12th June 2020.