The Minister of Health Osagie Ehanire on Tuesday May 5, stated there Osagie disclosed this in a meeting with members of the House of He said;
“That test is still going on, and there are no results. “There was never a case of him (the task force coordinator) saying 80 “The person did not ever say that the people died from coronavirus.” Commenting on the Coronavirus cases in Kano state, the Minister This came hours after Dr Nasiru Sani Gwarzo, leader of the Dr Gwarzo said;
”It will be wrong for me to preempt the report of the medical experts. “Some of the national dailies reported a percentage of people that died of COVID-19 in the state, that is not true. “The state is doing a verbal autopsy and the result is not out. “I want to use this opportunity to reiterate that the newspaper reports were wrong and absolutely wrong. “It is not the responsibility of the Ministerial Task Team to
is still no evidence which suggests that the mysterious deaths in Kano
was caused by Coronavirus.
Representatives. He said investigations into the deaths are of three
streams and there is no result yet linking them to Coronavirus.
per cent of people died from that or any other disease at all.
said 95 percent of the cases are in about seven municipal councils which
makes it more necessary to restrict movements.
Ministerial Task Team on COVID-19 denied linking the mysterious deaths
in Kano to Coronavirus. He insisted that he was misquoted as health
officials are yet to conclude their investigations.
announce the result of the findings, it is the state government’s
responsibility to do so.”
No evidence yet that mysterious deaths in Kano was caused by Coronavirus — Minister of Health