A press freedom organization has claimed that 55 journalists have The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), made this known in a statement ahead of World Press Freedom Day on Sunday. The organization lamented that media workers often lack proper Since March 1, the PEC said it had recorded the deaths of 55 media “Journalists are at great risk in this health crisis because they It said that in a range of countries “indispensable protective Ecuador was the hardest-hit country, with at least nine journalists The organization also echoed warnings from the United Nations that “Censorship, internet shutdowns, arbitrary detentions of journalists, It added that this was particularly worrying at a time when access to reliable public information was more vital than ever. “Transparency is paramount and can be lifesaving in a health crisis,” it said.
died worldwide from the novel Coronavirus in the past two months.
protection for covering the pandemic and warned that many of them were
putting their lives in danger.
workers across 23 countries from the virus, but admitted that it was
unclear if all of them had become infected on the job.
must continue to inform, by going to hospitals, interviewing doctors,
nurses, political leaders, specialists, scientists, patients,” PEC said
in a statement.
measures” like physical distancing, quarantines, and mask-wearing had
not been applied, especially early on in the outbreak.
who had succumbed to the virus, followed by the United States, with
eight, Brazil with four, and Britain and Spain with three each, it said.
the pandemic, which had killed more than 230,000 people out of more than
3.2 million infected worldwide is being used in some countries as an
excuse to crackdown on the media.
physical and verbal attacks, and emergency laws that restrict press
freedom have occurred in recent weeks,” the PEC said.
’55 journalists’ have died from Coronavirus in 23 countries in the past two months