On Monday, new regulations went into effect in Germany requiring Each of Germany’s 16 states, which are entitled to make their own Chancellor Angela Merkel says regional variations in the lockdown rules In Bavaria, people still going mask-free can be fined €150 (£131; According to German media, mask-wearing is now required in school As at Monday, Germany reported 5,750 deaths from Covid-19 ..
residents to cover their noses and mouths with masks while traveling
with public transportation or while shopping. Violators of the new
order, will face as much as a €5000 fine, as the nation eases down
lockdown rules.
laws under Germany’s federal system, drew up their own set of
regulations — meaning that the rules are slightly different depending on
the region.
are acceptable because some places are virus hotspots while others are
$163), but the fine for any shopkeeper who breaks the rules can be
€5,000, Süddeutsche Zeitung reports.
corridors and when children go on breaks, but not in the classroom.
Germans could be fined up to €5,000 as wearing a face mask becomes mandatory