Plateau state Government issued a border lockdown on Thursday 2nd April as part of measures set in curbing the spread of Covid-19 pandemic as the cases of coronavirus in Nigeria continue to
be on the increase standing at 209. Plateau State however is yet to record any case of the coronavirus as the state governor, Simon Lalong has led in creating preventive
Hon Mafeng Gwallson, council chairman of Riyom LGA while interacting
with bloggers and influencers in the state shed more on precautionary measures set in the fight
against COVID-19 especially by LGAs that are on the entry and exit
borders given that the government has issued a border lockdown. Riyom Local Government holds two entry borders into plateau state with one of the busiest highways which leads to the Nations Capital, Abuja.
Gwallson said he was quite impressed with the level of
enlightenment and willingness by community members in adherence to safety measures set by government, he
disclosed that on the start of the pandemic the local government has followed suit to set up a task force consisting of medical team saddled with the responsibility of border screening where the temperature of persons are captured and the addresses of those with suspicious temperature reading taken. with well over 10,000 persons screened at the start of the operation which now stands at less than 1500 after government lockdown directive.
He expressed concern that most of his local community members are predominantly farmers as such while exercising all lockdown priority is given to farmers and their perishable produce. The Local Government Chairman noted that he was better experienced given that he was returning to the position for a second spell and has learned a lot at community level. Furthermore on the Coronavirus pandemic, he said that the local government have equipped
all councilors with Gallons of sanitizers, Liquid soaps and plastic buckets to be distributed to religious
worship centers, local communities and flash points of any gathering. All sort of street hawking especially along the express road has also been banned also making sure that security operatives were
given the necessary protection and enlightenment on the pandemic and how
to attach precautionary measures in interacting with passersby.