Russian President, Vladimir Putin has signed a law on constitutional changes that could keep him in power for another 16 years. Last week, 67-year-old Putin made an appearance in parliament to The Kremlin has revealed in a statement that Putin signed off the Russia’s constitutional will now approve the changes after a Under current law, Putin would not be able to run for president again If approved, the move would make Putin the ruler of Russia for 36
back an amendment that would allow him to ignore a constitutional ban on
him running again in 2024.
constitutional changes on Saturday just three days after it was passed
through the Russian parliament with only one vote against it.
nationwide vote on the amendments to the constitution planned for April
in 2024 because of term limits, but the new measure would open the way
for him to run for two more six-year terms.
years, the longest tenure in the country’s modern history. He has been
in power since 2000.
Vladimir Putin signs new law that could keep him as President of Russia until 2036