We are all aware of the pandemic bedeviling the world referred to as Coronavirus or Covid-19. This virus has affected all facets of life globally hence all hands must be on deck to fight it. We are aware that the four components of the Social Investment Programmes namely: Job Creation –Npower; National
Home Grown School Feeding- NHGSF; Conditional Cash Transfer – CCT and Government Enterprise Empowerment Programme- GEEP, are being implemented in Plateau State. These programmes have made tremendous impact in the lives of the beneficiaries as well as their associates. The positive results recorded include among others, investment by beneficiaries thus making them self-reliant; improved financial inclusion among thousands; enhanced wellbeing; financial independence and exploration of economic diversification opportunities. These results would not have been achieved without a conducive environment to operate. Parts of the driving parameters include peaceful environment, good health and opportunities for economic growth. Government at Federal and State levels have done extremely well ensuring that wellbeing of citizens is enhanced. It is the light of the foregoing and furtherance to the awareness programmes carried out by the SIP office, that this press release is issued. We strongly add our voice to encourage all our teeming beneficiaries, well over 600,000, and their associates to obey all precautionary measures put in place by Government
to ensure that we stay safe of the Coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 is real, hence the need to take precaution against being infected. SIP beneficiaries should be patient as Government is proactively putting remedies in place to cushion the effect of Shut-Down. Be assured that all your allowances will be paid in no distant time. We call on the good people of Plateau State to pay attention in maintaining personal and environmental hygiene. Join us to advocate for self-protection by maintaining good personal hygiene-frequent hand-washing, maintain social distance, use of hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face; protection of our loved ones by not sneezing openly but use tissue and dispose or sneeze into inner side of your elbow, avoid crowded places and wear mask; and indeed protect our communities by seeking medical attention if you have fever, persistent cough or feeling unwell and staying indoors. Finally, we are all advised to stay at home until the pandemic is put under control and eventually eradicated from the universe. May God bless the good people of Plateau State and Nigeria. Stay At Home Stay Safe.
Signed: Dr. Sumaye Fadimatu Hamza (PhD) Executive Assistant to the Governor/Focal Person Social Investment Programme. Plateau State