Read below the full text of President Buhari’s speech on the fight against Coronavirus today March 29th.
ADDRESS BY H.E. MUHAMMADU BUHARI, PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA ON THE COVID- 19 PANDEMIC SUNDAY 29TH MARCH, 2020 1. Fellow Nigerians, 2. From the first signs that Coronavirus, or COVID-19 was turning 3. The whole instruments of government are now mobilized to confront 4. Nigeria, unfortunately, confirmed its first case on 27th February 5. By the morning of March 29th, 2020, the total confirmed cases within Nigeria had risen to ninety-seven. 6. Regrettably, we also had our first fatality, a former employee of 7. As of today, COVID-19 has no cure. Scientists around the world are working very hard to develop a vaccine. 8. We are in touch with these institutions as they work towards a 9. For now, the best and most efficient way to avoid getting infected 10. As individuals, we remain the greatest weapon to fight this 11. Since the outbreak was reported in China, our Government has been 12. Indeed, the Director General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease 13. Since his return, the NCDC has been implementing numerous 14. Although we have adopted strategies used globally, our 15. In Nigeria, we are taking a two step approach. 16. First, to protect the lives of our fellow Nigerians and residents 17. To date, we have introduced healthcare measures, border security, 18. Some of these measures will surely cause major inconveniences to 19. In Nigeria’s fight against COVID-19, there is no such thing as an 20. Accordingly, as a Government, we will continue to rely on 21. I therefore urge all citizens to adhere to their guidelines as they are released from time to time. 22. As we are all aware, Lagos and Abuja have the majority of 23. This is why we provided an initial intervention of fifteen 24. We also created a Presidential Task Force (PTF) to develop a 25. Our goal is to ensure all States have the right support and manpower to respond immediately. 26. So far, in Lagos and Abuja, we have recruited hundreds of adhoc 27. I also requested, through the Nigeria Governors Forum, for all 28. This training will also include medical representatives from our 29. As a nation, our response must be guided, systematic and 30. As I mentioned earlier, as at this morning we had ninety-seven 31. Our agencies are currently working hard to identify cases and people these patients have been in contact with. 32. The few confirmed cases outside Lagos and Abuja are linked to persons who have travelled from these centres. 33. We are therefore working to ensure such inter state and intercity movements are restricted to prevent further spread. 34. Based on the advice of the Federal Ministry of Health and the 35. All citizens in these areas are to stay in their homes. Travel to 36. The Governors of Lagos and Ogun States as well as the Minister of 37. We will use this containment period to identify, trace and 38. This order does not apply to hospitals and all related medical 39. Furthermore, commercial establishments such as; a. food processing, distribution and retail companies; b. petroleum distribution and retail entities, c. power generation, transmission and distribution companies; and d. private security companies are also exempted. 40. Although these establishments are exempted, access will be restricted and monitored. 41. Workers in telecommunication companies, broadcasters, print and 42. All seaports in Lagos shall remain operational in accordance with 43. Furthermore, all vehicles conveying food and other essential 44. Accordingly, the Hon. Minister of Health is hereby directed to 45. Movements of all passenger aircraft, both commercial and private 46. We are fully aware that such measures will cause much hardship 47. However, we must all see this as our national and patriotic duty 48. As we remain ready to enforce these measures, we should see this 49. For residents of satellite and commuter towns and communities 50. Furthermore, although schools are closed, I have instructed the 51. Furthermore, I have directed that a three month repayment 52. I have also directed that a similar moratorium be given to all 53. For on-lending facilities using capital from international and 54. For the most vulnerable in our society, I have directed that the 55. We also call on all Nigerians to take personal responsibility to 56. As we all pray for the best possible outcome, we shall continue planning for all eventualities. 57. This is why I directed that all Federal Government Stadia, 58. My fellow Nigerians, as a Government, we will avail all necessary 59. We are very grateful to see the emerging support of the private 60. At this point, I will ask that all contributions and donations be 61. I want to assure you all that Government Ministries, Departments 62. Every nation in the world is challenged at this time. But we have 63. I will therefore implore you again to strictly comply with the 64. I will take this opportunity to thank all our public health 65. I thank you all for listening. May God continue to bless and protect us all. President Muhammadu Buhari 29th March 2020.
into an epidemic and was officially declared a world-wide emergency, the
Federal Government started planning preventive, containment and
curative measures in the event the disease hits Nigeria.
what has now become both a health emergency and an economic crisis.
2020. Since then, we have seen the number of confirmed cases rise
PPMC, who died on 23rd March 2020. Our thoughts and prayers are with his
family in this very difficult time. We also pray for quick recovery for
those infected and undergoing treatment.
solution that will be certified by international and local medical
authorities within the shortest possible time.
is through regular hygienic and sanitary practices as well as social
pandemic. By washing our hands regularly with clean water and soap,
disinfecting frequently used surfaces and areas, coughing into a tissue
or elbow and strictly adhering to infection prevention control measures
in health facilities, we can contain this virus.
monitoring the situation closely and studying the various responses
adopted by other countries.
Control (NCDC) was one of ten global health leaders invited by the World
Health Organisation to visit China and understudy their response
approach. I am personally very proud of Dr Ihekweazu for doing this on
behalf of all Nigerians.
strategies and programs in Nigeria to ensure that the adverse impact of
this virus on our country is minimized. We ask all Nigerians to support
the work the Federal Ministry of Health and NCDC are doing, led by the
Presidential Task Force.
implementation programs have been tailored to reflect our local
living here and second, to preserve the livelihoods of workers and
business owners to ensure their families get through this very difficult
time in dignity and with hope and peace of mind.
fiscal and monetary policies in our response. We shall continue to do
so as the situation unfolds.
many citizens. But these are sacrifices we should all be willing and
ready to make for the greater good of our country.
overreaction or an under reaction. It is all about the right reaction
by the right agencies and trained experts.
guidance of our medical professionals and experts at the Ministry of
Health, NCDC and other relevant agencies through this difficult time.
confirmed cases in Nigeria. Our focus therefore remains to urgently and
drastically contain these cases, and to support other states and regions
in the best way we can.
billion Naira (N15b) to support the national response as we fight to
contain and control the spread.
workable National Response Strategy that is being reviewed on a daily
basis as the requirements change. This strategy takes international best
practices but adopts them to suit our unique local circumstances.
staff to man our call centers and support our tracing and testing
State Governments to nominate Doctors and Nurses who will be trained by
the NCDC and Lagos State Government on tactical and operational response
to the virus in case it spreads to other states.
armed forces, paramilitary and security and intelligence agencies.
professional. There is a need for consistency across the nation. All
inconsistencies in policy guidelines between Federal and State agencies
will be eliminated.
confirmed cases. Majority of these are in Lagos and Abuja. All the
confirmed cases are getting the necessary medical care.
NCDC, I am directing the cessation of all movements in Lagos and the FCT
for an initial period of 14 days with effect from 11pm on Monday, 30th
March 2020. This restriction will also apply to Ogun State due to its
close proximity to Lagos and the high traffic between the two States.
or from other states should be postponed. All businesses and offices
within these locations should be fully closed during this period.
the FCT have been notified. Furthermore, heads of security and
intelligence agencies have also been briefed.
isolate all individuals that have come into contact with confirmed
cases. We will ensure the treatment of confirmed cases while restricting
further spread to other States.
establishments as well as organizations in health care related
manufacturing and distribution.
electronic media staff who can prove they are unable to work from home
are also exempted.
the guidelines I issued earlier. Vehicles and drivers conveying
essential cargoes from these Ports to other parts of the country will be
screened thoroughly before departure by the Ports Health Authority.
humanitarian items into these locations from other parts of the country
will also be screened thoroughly before they are allowed to enter these
restricted areas.
redeploy all Port Health Authority employees previously stationed in the
Lagos and Abuja Airports to key roads that serve as entry and exit
points to these restricted zones.
jets, are hereby suspended. Special permits will be issued on a needs
and inconvenience to many citizens. But this is a matter of life and
death, if we look at the dreadful daily toll of deaths in Italy, France
and Spain.
to control and contain the spread of this virus. I will therefore ask
all of us affected by this order to put aside our personal comfort to
safeguard ourselves and fellow human beings. This common enemy can only
be controlled if we all come together and obey scientific and medical
as our individual contribution in the war against COVID-19. Many other
countries have taken far stricter measures in a bid to control the
spread of the virus with positive results.
around Lagos and Abuja whose livelihoods will surely be affected by some
of these restrictive measures, we shall deploy relief materials to ease
their pains in the coming weeks.
Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social
Development to work with State Governments in developing a strategy on
how to sustain the school feeding program during this period without
compromising our social distancing policies. The Minister will be
contacting the affected States and agree on detailed next steps.
moratorium for all TraderMoni, MarketMoni and FarmerMoni loans be
implemented with immediate effect.
Federal Government funded loans issued by the Bank of Industry, Bank of
Agriculture and the Nigeria Export Import Bank.
multilateral development partners, I have directed our development
financial institutions to engage these development partners and
negotiate concessions to ease the pains of the borrowers.
conditional cash transfers for the next two months be paid immediately.
Our Internally displaced persons will also receive two months of food
rations in the coming weeks.
support those who are vulnerable within their communities, helping them
with whatever they may need.
Pilgrims camps and other facilities be converted to isolation centers
and makeshift hospitals.
resources to support the response and recovery. We remain committed to
do whatever it takes to confront COVID-19 in our country.
sector and individuals to the response as well as our development
coordinated and centralized to ensure efficient and impactful spending.
The Presidential Task Force remains the central coordinating body on
the COVID-19 response.
and Agencies with a role to play in the outbreak response are working
hard to bring this virus under control.
seen countries where citizens have come together to reduce the spread
of the virus.
guidelines issued and also do your bit to support Government and the
most vulnerable in your communities.
workforce, health care workers, port health authorities and other
essential staff on the frontlines of the response for their dedication
and commitment. You are true heroes.
READ: Full text of President Buhari’s speech on Coronavirus