Italy has officially surpassed China for the largest number of A total of 2,978 deaths were confirmed on Wednesdayafter Italy A total 3,245 people have died in China since the virus first emerged Nearly 220,000 people have now been confirmed with the coronavirus
coronavirus-related deaths after the death toll rose in the last 24
hours by 427 to 3,405.
recorded 475 deaths from COVID-19, and the increase of 427 deaths on
thursday brings the death toll in Italy to a total of3,405.
there late last year. But Italy has far fewer confirmed cases – 41,035
as of Thursday against 80,907 in China.
globally, of which at least 84,000 have recovered from COVID-19, while
more than 8,800 have died, according to data from Johns Hopkins
University in the US.
Italy surpasses China in number of coronavirus deaths