The outbreak of coronavirus which was first noticed in Chinese City While Iran has recorded the highest death toll outside China, Iran More than 3,100 people have died globally and over 90,000 have been In mainland China, more than 80,100 cases of the virus and over 2,900 Here is a full list of the 75 countries where coronavirus has been
1. Afghanistan (1 case) 2. Algeria (2 cases) 3. Andorra (1 case) 4. Armenia (1 case) 5. Australia (35 cases, 1 death) 6. Austria (10 cases) 7. Bahrain (49 cases) 8. Belarus (1 case) 9. Belgium (1 case) 10. Brazil (2 cases) 11. Cambodia (1 case) 12. Canada (24 cases) 13. Croatia (6 cases) 14. Czech Republic (5 cases) 15. Denmark (3 cases) 16. Dominican Republic (1 case) 17. Ecuador (7 cases) 18. Egypt (2 cases) 19. Estonia (1 case) 20. Finland (3 cases) 21. France (130 cases, 2 deaths) 22. Georgia (1 case) 23. Germany (158 cases) 24. Gibraltar (1 case) 25. Greece (7 cases) 26. Hong Kong (100 cases, 2 deaths) 27. Iceland (3 case) 28. India (6 cases) 29. Indonesia (2 cases) 30. Iran (1,501 cases, 66 deaths) 31. Iraq (26 cases) 32. Ireland (1 case) 33. Israel (12 cases) 34. Italy (2,036 cases, 52 deaths) 35. Japan (974 cases, 12 deaths) 36. Jordan (1 case) 37. Kuwait (56 cases) 38. Latvia (1 case) 39. Lebanon (13 cases) 40. Lithuania (1 case) 41. Luxembourg (1 case) 42. Macao (10 cases) 43. Malaysia (25 cases) 44. Mexico (5 cases) 45. Monaco (1 case) 46. Nepal (1 case) 47. Netherlands (7 cases) 48. New Zealand (1 case) 49. Nigeria (1 case) 50. North Macedonia (1 case) 51. Norway (15 cases) 52. Oman (6 cases) 53. Pakistan (5 cases) 54. Philippines (3 cases, 1 death) 55. Portugal (2 cases) 56. Qatar (7 cases) 57. Romania (3 cases) 58. Russia (6 cases) 59. San Marino (1 case) 60. Saudi Arabia (1 case) 61. Senegal (1 case) 62. Singapore (108 cases) 63. South Korea (5,186 cases, 29 deaths) 64. Spain (73 cases) 65. Sri Lanka (1 case) 66. Sweden (13 cases) 67. Switzerland (18 cases) 68. Taiwan (41 cases, 1 death) 69. Thailand (42 cases, 1 death) 70. Tunisia (1 case) 71. Ukraine (1 case) 72. United Arab Emirates (21 cases) 73. United Kingdom (40 cases) 74. United States (105 cases*, 6 deaths) 75. Vietnam (16 cases) The list Includes presumptive positive cases from public health
of Wuhan at the end of 2019, has now been confirmed in
75 other countries.
rose to 66, WHO has also announced that the number of new cases outside
China rose nine times higher than those inside the Asian country in the
last 24 hours.
infected since the outbreak of the deadly disease, leading to a
declaration of public health emergency of international concern by the
World Health Organization (WHO).
deaths have been recorded, with majority of the patients coming from
Hubei province.
confirmed in outside mainland China as at 12:00am on Tuesday March 3;
labs pending confirmation from the US Centers for Disease Control.
Full list of 75 countries where coronavirus have been confirmed